Bonneville salt flats kayaking
Bonneville salt flats kayaking

bonneville salt flats kayaking

We enjoyed our drives looking at the mountains in the distance. Witches Broom in Devi’s Orchard Spatter Cones Walkway up the cone Inside the Spatter Cone. You can walk up to the top of Inferno Cone. We walked around the Devil’s Orchard and Spatter Cones when we were there.

bonneville salt flats kayaking

I overheard that they were closed due to earthquakes in the last couple of months made the area unstable. However, both the caves and North Crater Flow Trail are closed. There are caves that you can explore if you have a permit. There is a loop road that you can take with a number of stops. Jef purchased a yearly park pass, which is $80 and I believe we have already spent that amount on parks this trip. It is a National Park, so it costs $20 to enter. When you arrive at the visitors’ center, that is the true entrance to Craters of the Moon Monument and Preserve.

bonneville salt flats kayaking

They are black either growing bushes and grass or still stark piles. The lava rocks are piled up against rolling fields and mountains. It is difficult to take a picture of the landscape because it is so vast. The drive to Craters of the Moon is definitely like being on the moon.

Bonneville salt flats kayaking